₹ 115.06

RKEC Projects Ltd 

RKEC Projects Ltd  is a Small Cap stock that belongs to the Engineering – Construction sector. The current live share price of RKEC Projects Ltd  is ₹ 115.06 that is ₹ 5.70 -4.72% with respect to the previous day’s close price. The stock price of RKEC Projects Ltd  was last updated 1 day ago.

RKEC Projects Ltd  Stock Price Performance

In the below section, we have evaluated the stock’s price performance for the last traded day as well as historical time frames.

RKEC Projects Ltd  Live Share Price Analysis

₹ 115.06
Open ₹ 120.76
High ₹ 122.51
Marketcap 2.94B
Close ₹ 115.06
Low ₹ 114.72
Volume ₹ 90,670.00

The stock of RKEC Projects Ltd  strated the trade at an Open price of ₹ 120.76 when the trading at exchange began for the day. It touched an Intraday High price of ₹ 122.51 and an Intraday Low price of ₹ 114.72%. As per last updated 1 day ago, the Shares of RKEC Projects Ltd  were trading at a price of ₹ 115.06 which is ₹ 5.70 -4.72% as compared the price ₹ 120.76 at which the stock close on the previous trading day. The total traded volume for the day stood at 90,670 number of shares.

Candlestick Chart of RKEC Projects Ltd  Share Price Movements

The following candlestick Chart of the Stock shows how the Open, High, Low, Close (OHLC) Price of the share has performed in the last month (30-day period).

Historical Performance of RKEC Projects Ltd  Shares

52 Week RangePrice52 Weeks Low52 Weeks High
₹ 115.06₹ 68.25₹ 148.50

Here is RKEC Projects Ltd ‘s price performance analysis over the last year. The stock has seen the 52 weeks high price level of ₹ 148.50. On the lower side, the stock has been to the 52 weeks low price level of ₹ 68.25. It’s last traded price was ₹ 115.06 as on last update 1 day ago. The one-year line chart clearly shows how the price of RKEC Projects Ltd ‘s stock has moved in the last twelve months.

The Company has posted an earnings of ₹ 8.32 per share (EPS TTM) in the trailing twelve months period. RKEC Projects Ltd ‘s last annual dividend rate was %, which translates to a % of annual dividend yield.

Line Chart of RKEC Projects Ltd  Stock Price

Here is the chart of stock price performance for the last one year. You can also view the price performance of a different period by selecting the time frame from the top right corner.

Companies Similar to RKEC Projects Ltd 

RKEC Projects Ltd  belongs to the Engineering – Construction sector. It has several competitors in the same industry. The snapshot of the live share price of some of the companies similar to RKEC Projects Ltd  are listed below. You can click and view the details of stock analysis, current and historical share price, company background information about each company.

Share Price Snapshot Companies Similar to RKEC Projects Ltd 

Select list of companies is given below. To view more about the Industry and see other companies from Industry, click on the industry name.
₹ 16.65
₹ 0.54
₹ 32.41
₹ 0.56
₹ 16.42
₹ 0.61
₹ 215.79
₹ 12.02
₹ 118.36
₹ 1.29
₹ 34.83
₹ 1.84

About RKEC Projects Ltd 

RKEC Projects Ltd  is a Private Company. The company operates in the Engineering – Construction sector. RKEC Projects Limited, formerly RKEC Projects Private Limited, is a construction company, which is primarily engaged in the business of civil construction, such as construction of highways, roads and bridges. Incorporated in 2005, it has around 16 years of operations. RKEC Projects Ltd  live share price is ₹ 115.06. It is a Small Cap stock and had a market capitalization of ₹ 2,944,845,568.00 as on 1 day ago.

  • RKEC Projects’s is also engaged in designing and undertaking construction projects, such as bridges, ports, dams, high-rise structures, airports, cross water, roads, highways, oil and gas pipelines, complexes and environmental structures throughout India.
  • Its segments include Bridge Construction Work, Marine Work and Road & Building.
  • Its Bridge Construction Work segment carries piling works in reclaimed soils, river beds, hard rocks and under water works.
  • Its Marine Work segment consists of construction of huge water reservoirs and construction of product berths No 1 and 2, including sea water pump house, among others.
  • Its Road & Building segment includes construction of warehouse with internal roads, culverts and external drains, including internal and external electrical works.

The registered office of RKEC Projects Ltd  is located in Vishakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. The registrar and share transfer agent for RKEC Projects Ltd  is Bigshare Services Pvt Ltd. The Stock Exchanges on which shares of RKEC Projects Ltd  is listed includes NSE.

Status: Active
Sector: Industrials
Industry: Engineering & Construction
Employees: 481
RKEC Projects Limited, a construction company, engages in the civil and defense constructions business in India. The company undertakes construction projects, such as bridges comprising major and minor bridges, steel and PSU girders, composite girders, and rail cum road bridges; and ports, dams, high-rise structures, airports, cross water, roads, highways, oil and gas pipelines, complexes, and environmental structures. It also provides marine structure services, including as wharves, berths, jetties, mooring dolphins, intake structure breakwaters, and costal-shore protection works. In addition, the company offers building and infrastructure works, which includes civil works for power and refinery projects port development works; and transmission lines, sports complex, building works, water intake systems, heavy RCC pre-stressed concrete and steel structure, and farmed warehouse and industrial sheds, as well as electrification services comprising rural electrification and LT/HT works. The company was founded in 1985 and is based in Visakhapatnam, India.
AddressNo 10-12-1, Rednam Alcazar, Visakhapatnam, India
Phone91 89 1257 4517

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